way2go! 6, Schulbuch

101 Ordinarily, no one would engage or even exchange a look with me 5 . I was a busker and this was London. I didn’t exist. I was a person to be avoided, shunned even. But as I walked down Neal Street that afternoon, almost every person we passed was looking at me. Well, more to the point, they were looking at Bob. One or two had strange, slightly confused looks on their faces, which was understandable, I guess. It must have looked slightly incongruous, a tall, long-haired bloke walking along with a large, ginger tomcat on his shoulders. Not something you see every day – even on the streets of London. Most people, however, were reacting more warmly. The moment they saw Bob, their faces would break into broad smiles. It wasn’t long before people were stopping us. ‘Ah, look at you two,’ said one well-dressed, middle-aged lady laden down with shopping bags. ‘He’s gorgeous. Can I stroke him?’ ‘Of course,’ I said, thinking it would be a one-off event. She plonked down her bags and placed her face right up to his. ‘What a lovely fellow you are, aren’t you,’ she said. ‘He’s a boy, isn’t he?’ ‘He is,’ I said. ‘Isn’t he good to sit there on your shoulders like that? Don’t see that very often. He must really trust you.’ What are the reasons why James Bowen became homeless? What are other possible reasons why people might become homeless? What can society do to help homeless people? Now read this extract from later in the book. How does Bob change James’ life? SPEAKING 30 READING 31 Strategies box Convince ( überzeugen ), persuade ( überreden ), advise ( etwas raten ), recommend ( empfehlen ) and suggest ( vorschlagen ) are not the same, but have a similar function: You want to achieve something or make someone do something by offering good reasons, evidence and examples. The following expressions might help: Why don’t you … ?; You could/should/ might …; Wouldn’t it be great to … ?; You simply have to …; I’m certain …; You will definitely see …; It’s quite obvious …; What needs to be done …; Don’t miss …; You won’t believe …; Wouldn’t you agree … ?; Don’t you think … ?; It’s crystal clear …; If I were you, I’d … Imagine Bob, the cat, is writing a diary. Write a diary entry about a typical day with James. Your partner school in Cambridge is doing a literature project on outsiders in society. They have asked you to send them an article recommending a book or film that deals with this topic. In your article you should:  present a book/film dealing with outsiders  point out what makes life difficult for the outsider  convince students at your partner school that the book/film is worth reading/watching Write around 250 words. Give your article a title.  See Writing coach, Article , p. 178. WRITING 32 33  5  to not exchange a look with sb.: jmdn. keines Blickes würdigen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv