way2go! 6, Schulbuch

10 Unit 01 | Way to grow! Read the statements below describing a person from three different perspectives. Are they positive or negative about the person? Underline words and phrases in the text that tell you. READING 6 a Describing personality Start a table of positive and negative adjectives you can use to describe what someone is like. Add all suitable words from the texts above. Finding opposites will add even more words to your list. LANGUAGE 7 a M p. 6 Compare your table with a partner. Look up the meaning of all the words you can’t guess. b How would different people describe you? How would it be different to how you’d describe yourself? Discuss your ideas with a partner. b Positive Negative polite impolite Tom’s description of himself Hi, I’m Tom. I’m generally a cheerful soul, and I’m the kind of person that likes to joke around with others. I have a very good sense of humour and always try to see the funny side of any situation. If my friends get into trouble or have a problem, I usually try to be witty and make them laugh. I’m easy-going and don’t believe in getting too emotional about things. I’m a real foodie and am obsessed with pizza! I’d be content to eat pizza every day of the week if I could. I’m quite tough and don’t worry too much about what others think of me. Rachel I’ve known Tom for five years, and I think he’s pretty arrogant. Whenever some- thing goes wrong, he takes great delight in making stupid jokes, which I think is really mean and annoying. He makes a fool of any friend who’s having trouble. I think he should be more sympathetic and sensitive towards other people. I really don’t know why Harry puts up with him! Also, he’s extremely greedy and rarely shares his food. He’ll eat his own pizza and half of someone else’s too, which is just plain rude and selfish. I don’t like people who are bossy and look down on others. Harry I really enjoy hanging out with Tom – he’s a great laugh! I’m pretty quiet and shy myself, so it’s fun to be with someone who’s so sure of himself. Tom’s always lively and energetic, making jokes even when things are difficult. He stays upbeat and cheerful when I’m having a problem with something. He’s just so positive, and I really look up to him because of that. Tom lives for pizza and even eats my leftovers when I can’t finish my meal. I know Rachel thinks he’s impolite, but I think she’s just jealous because he’s so self-confident! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv