way2go! 5, Schulbuch

95 Together with a partner, collect arguments either for or against taking part in a Spartan Race. Why Spartan Races are a good idea: … Why Spartan Races are a bad idea: … Now have a discussion with another pair. Pair A wants to take part in a Spartan Race together. Pair B doesn’t want to do something like that. Talk for about four minutes. SPEAKING 20 a b Listen to the FM4 interview with Joseph De Sena, the founder of Spartan Races. What characterises a ‘typical’ Spartan Race participant? Take notes to help you remember. You are going to listen to the interview again. First, study the task below. Then, while listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question (1–5). Put a cross (  ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. After listening, take some time to check your answers. 19 a 17 b M p. 40 0 Most participants in the race are A big and well-trained professionals. B wearing short trousers. C young men from all over Britain. D not motivated to get the race started. 1 The founder of Spartan Races says he would like to A make the world a softer place. B introduce people to running as a sport. C live without a clock. D get people back to nature. 2 Spartan Races are mainly about A testing your limits. B hard training and self-discipline. C having a good time with friends. D working together as a team. 3 The people who take part in the races are A both old and young people. B mostly elite athletes. C mainly children. D never professional runners. 4 The most important thing about Spartan Races is A improving your personal best. B the length of the course. C getting uncomfortable. D winning the race. 5 After taking part in a Spartan Race A you can’t take your car home. B your girlfriend might leave you. C everyday problems won’t matter to you. D you will want to do it again soon. Write a story in which you describe a sports activity that was fun. In your story you should:  say when and where the sports activity took place  describe your role in the activity  explain why it was fun Write around 200 words. WRITING 21 An activity can be fun . (= you like it) A joke can be funny . (= it makes you laugh) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv