way2go! 5, Schulbuch

94 UniT 07 | Move it! Spartan Races Read the following information, then discuss the questions below with a partner. Write down at least one idea for each question. LISTENING 17 a Fitness is a big trend in our society. People do sports for different reasons: to lose weight, to compete with others, to meet friends, or just to enjoy themselves. There are tons of different kinds of sports people do around the world. One new and different kind of sports competition is the Spartan Race. It’s a timed obstacle course which includes sprints, crawling, climbing, jumping, and is between three and 12 miles long. It is very tough, and the racers who want to finish the course are usually in really good shape. 1 Why is this competition called ‘Spartan Race’? What is a ‘Spartan’? Your knowledge of history and the picture on the right might help you. 2 What kinds of obstacles would you expect to be part of a Spartan Race? 3 Can you imagine taking part in a competition like this? Why?/Why not? Now share your ideas with the rest of the class. b Complete the sentences below using the expressions in the box. rope climbing  rite of passage  barbed wire  rip  mud  novelty  comfort zone 1 Sometimes when you do sports, you have to get out of your to get better. 2 Cindy never liked playing in the as a little child. She didn’t want her shoes to get dirty. 3 I was never good at in PE. My arms were too weak and I fell off. 4 You have to do it really fast – like when you a plaster off your arm. 5 The garden looked a bit spooky, all covered in plants and with a fence. 6 The boys in the gang had a for everyone who wanted to join in. 7 Sheila likes having objects and being the first one to have them. 18 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv