way2go! 5, Schulbuch

89 All kinds of sports Sports Which of these sports can you name? LANGUAGE 3 Sort the following words into three groups of eight words each: people, equipment and places. 6 Think of a sport you know and talk to a partner about it for one minute without stopping and without repeating yourself. Take turns and time each other. Explain how to play or do this sport, what you wear for it, where you can do it, why you (don’t) like it, etc. Use words from this page! SPEAKING 7 Whitehall needs a new sports field, and Lizzie, Hannah, Dan and Mark are talking about a big fundraising event to raise the money for it. Listen to their discussion and tick the pictures of the sports that they talk about. Listen again. Now takes notes on the different ideas they have for the fundraising event. Compare your notes with a partner and make a list of the suggestions you’ve heard. 4 a 16 b Try to find a sport for every letter of the alphabet. Examples: A athletics , B biathlon , C … Use a dictionary to find out if you use the verb play , do or go with each of your sports. Put the words into a table like this one. What do the sports in each column have in common? 5 a M p. 40 b play do a lot of/a bit of go football/soccer exercise to the gym hiking B D C A E F G H a athlete b field c pool d captain e gear f stadium g coach h gym i trunks j competitor k helmet l racket m course n kit o bat p court q net r stick s crowd t opponent u team v facilities w pitch x individual Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv