way2go! 5, Schulbuch

87 0 A health B fit C healthy D schools 1 A many B more C much D most 2 A few B less C little D least 3 A their B there C they’re D it’s 4 A decides B was deciding C will decide D has decided 5 A on the start B in the end C at the start D at the end 6 A the best B that good as C the same as D better as 7 A saw B sees C have seen D seen 8 A lie down on B get down at C put down on D sleep at 9 A become B has become C became D was becoming !! LISTENING B1 I can understand the main points and important details of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work or leisure. You are going to listen to a podcast about the trend of planking. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, match the beginnings of the sentences (1–7) with the sentence endings (A–J). There are two sentence endings that you should not use. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. After the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. LISTENING 2 15 g7rd7d A celebrate a success F try to look like a piece of wood B become popular all over the world G became popular in Korea in 2003 C make it more popular H explain how planking works D say why planking is such fun I started in the UK and Japan E warn people that planking is dangerous J be the French name for planking 0 The Australian Prime Minister wanted to . E 1 Planking is when you . 2 Richard is going to . 3 An Australian sportsman did planking to . 4 ‘Playing dead’ first . 5 ‘On one’s belly’ happens to . 6 It seems that planking has . 7 Jackie asks people to . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv