way2go! 5, Schulbuch

86 PROGRESS CHECK Progress check 02 Before you do the tasks, look back over the work you’ve done so far. How do you think you’re getting on? Make a mark on the line that shows where you see yourself. Then do the tasks. Don’t forget to check your answers with the key on p. 191 afterwards! !! LANGUAGE I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on a familiar topic. Read the text about taking naps at school. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–9). Put a cross (  ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 1 The power of napping We all know that sleep is important for good (0) , but schedules that are too full and 12-hour days are making already sleep-deprived 1 teenagers even (1) tired. The pressure to do well in school often leaves students with (2) time to relax. A ‘power nap’ is a short sleep taken during the day which usually lasts between 10 and 30 minutes. Some schools are seeing that power napping helps (3) tired students to get through the day. Anton Anderson, an English teacher at Greenwich High School, Connecticut, (4) to do something to help the tired teens he was seeing every day. He started the ‘Power Napping Club’, which allows students to nap for about 20 minutes (5) of the day before going on to extracurricular activities. Its motto: ‘Veni, Vidi, Dormici’ (Latin for ‘I came, I saw, I slept’). “It’s not (6) getting a good night’s sleep, but it does recharge the batteries,” says Anderson. “The pressures on kids have never been as great. We expect them to work like executives of companies when they are 15 or 16. They have classes, sports, community service, and some have jobs. I (7) a lot of exhausted kids.” During a Power Napping Club meeting, six students come to a classroom to relax as soothing 2 music is played. Some (8) the floor, others kick off their shoes, or make themselves comfortable in their seats. Power Napping Club co-president Jenna says, “I usually get up at 6 a.m., unless I have homework to finish. Then I get up at 4.45 a.m. or 5 a.m. I go to bed at about 11 p.m. Getting up is the hard part.” Many students stay up late and get up early, and this is why power napping (9) so popular at the school. “Obviously, it’s no substitute 3 for sleep, but I definitely feel more relaxed afterwards,” Jenna adds. 1 to be sleep-deprived: übermüdet sein, unter Schlafentzug leiden 2 soothing: beruhigend 3 substitute: Ersatz Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv