way2go! 5, Schulbuch

85 My favourite trend or fad in this unit is … Something I understand better after this unit is … Looking back: Learning goals of Unit 06 !! READING B1 I can find relevant information in a straightforward article on the topic of fashion and trends. (ex. 3, 16) LISTENING B1 I can understand the main points and important details of a TV programme on the topic of fashion if delivered clearly. (ex. 10b) B1 I can understand the main points and important details of clear standard speech on the topic of fashion and trends. (ex. 1a, 13b) WRITING B1 I can write a straightforward connected description on the topic of trends. (ex. 8) B1 I can describe experiences, feelings and reactions in a blog comment. (ex. 11) SPEAKING B1 I can give a straightforward connected description on the topic of fashion reasonably fluently. (ex. 9b) B1 I can give reasons or explanations for opinions, plans and actions. (ex. 2a, 4b, 9, 17) LANGUAGE I can use the present perfect to express a range of ideas. I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on the topic of fashion and trends. must-have or just a fad? hip (1) the l ttsea trend to be a trendsetter fashionable (3) s tilyhs to be out to be in (2) t yrnde (4) a trend t sdwoar sth. to go out of fashion/style in fashion out of fashion (7) u nshfaionleab (5) people u des to do it old-fashioned (6) a trend a ayw from sth. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv