way2go! 5, Schulbuch

84 Unit 06 | All the rage Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1 How did Barbie see herself before she became a model? How did other people treat her? 2 What has changed since she became a model? SPEAKING 17 Make a list of a few things that are totally out of fashion or that you would never want to have yourself (clothes, shoes, books, computer games, …). Make up a conversation. Try to sell one of these items to your partner, but your partner does not really want to buy it.  Describe the item to your partner.  Try to convince your partner by talking about the: – quality – price – usefulness (how well your partner could use it) 18 Topic vocabulary Unscramble the words to complete the word maps. LANGUAGE 19 M p. 34 (1) c ausal ( opp . smart) (3) t gith ( opp . loose/baggy) (7) d siegnre l blae (6) c rltaefoobm (2) s ortyp ( opp . elegant) (9) it m tcheas your … (5) c anel ( opp . dirty) (10) it f sti you (11) it s usit you (4) t nor talking about clothes (8) c ofrloluu Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv