way2go! 5, Schulbuch

79 Work with a partner to collect ideas and create a word map about jeans. The questions below will help you. 1 Do you like wearing jeans? Why?/Why not? 2 Do you own any designer label jeans? If not, would you like to? 3 What different styles and cuts of jeans do you know? 4 What kinds of people (don’t) wear jeans? 5 When is it (not) OK to wear jeans? 6 How much would you pay for a pair of jeans? 7 What could be used to decorate a pair of jeans? Talk to a new partner about jeans for about two minutes. SPEAKING 9 a b Denim – a way of life? The following pictures are from a documentary about jeans. Describe what you can see in the pictures, then say what you think this part of the video clip is about. You can use the expressions below. miners  workers  black and white  photograph  advertisement  western (film)  motorbike  film stars  police officer  flowers  adults  teenagers  men/women  riots  rebels  desert  city  real people  hippies LISTENING + VIEWING 10 a A D B C Who? When? good/bad Where? + – What for? kinds of jeans jeans Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv