way2go! 5, Schulbuch

76 Unit 06 All the rage 9z6jj5 In this unit you will:  discuss past and present fashions and trends  revise how to talk about events up to now  compare photos before and after retouching  learn about an unusual model  find out how tents were turned into clothes Listen to the radio phone-in competition on trends. 1 Take notes on how the different trends are described. 2 What trends do the callers have to guess? Which picture shows this trend? John has to guess – picture Alice has to guess – picture Nelson has to guess – picture LISTENING 1 a 12 Discuss the following questions with a partner. Prepare a short statement about your ideas to share with the rest of the class. 1 Which of the trends above have become unpopular and which have become normal? Suggest why that might be. 2 Describe a new current trend. What do you think will happen to it in the future? 3 Do you think it’s a good thing to be up-to-date with current trends? Say why/why not. Work with a partner. Find examples of what is in fashion or out of fashion today. Make lists. SPEAKING 2 a b Work with a partner. Describe each trend using some of the clues given in the radio show. Which two pictures haven’t been talked about so far? What trend do they show? Describe them briefly. Picture – and picture – b c A C D B E Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv