way2go! 5, Schulbuch

75 I can improve my presentations by … My favourite way to communicate is … Looking back: Learning goals of Unit 05 !! READING B1 I can find relevant information in a straightforward article on the topic of communication. (ex. 7b) B1 I can recognise the significant points in a straightforward article on the topic of communication. (ex. 17) LISTENING B1 I can understand the main points and important details of clear standard speech on the topic of communication. (ex. 20) WRITING B1 I can write a straightforward connected blog comment on the topic of communication. (ex. 6) B1 I can describe experiences, feelings and reactions in a story or informal email. (ex. 13, 22) SPEAKING B1 I can express opinions and feelings and respond to them. (ex. 5, 8, 18) B1 I can give a straightforward connected description on a familiar topic reasonably fluently. (ex. 5, 14, 19) LANGUAGE I can use a range of common phrasal verbs to communicate more naturally. I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on the topic of communication. Looking back – planning ahead Now is a good time to look back on your English learning so far and update your plans for the rest of the year. Think about the following questions and discuss them with a partner. Ask your teacher for support if needed. STRATEGIES 24 a 1 What are the things you can do well? Do you feel most confident writing texts? Is it easy for you to understand texts you read or hear? Is speaking most fun? 2 Which areas do you need to improve in? Do you make too many mistakes? Should you spend more time studying new words? Is it difficult for you to use a range of tenses? 3 Have you spent enough time studying English in the past months? How can you make the most of the coming months? Decide on one activity you want to do to improve your English. What do you want to do when and where? How is it going to help you? Try something like “I’m going to spend five minutes after dinner every day studying English words with the list in the coursebook”, or “I’m going to write one English text every Sunday on a topic that interests me”. b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv