way2go! 5, Schulbuch

73 Listen to a teacher giving feedback on a presentation and tick the things they talk about. Add a + if they are mentioned in a positive sense, a – if they are mentioned in a negative context. LISTENING 20 a 11 a body language b slide animation c internet references d font size e structure f speak freely g pictures h logical sequence i bullet points j main points k gestures l presentation slides m eye contact n confident speaker What do you think the student will write down as things to improve? Giving feedback Giving other people helpful feedback supports both their learning process and yours. We can’t improve if we don’t know what could be better. But it’s not always easy to deal with criticism, so try to make your feedback as useful and polite as possible. Here are some tips and language to help you: b STRATEGIES 21 You have just given a presentation in your English class. You have decided to write an email to your friend in Cambridge telling him/her about it. WRITING 22 In your email you should:  explain how you decided on the topic  describe how you prepared for the presentation  say how it went Write around 200 words.  See Writing coach, Informal email , pp. 169/170. Content Organisation Language I always knew what you were talking about. I could follow you easily. Sometimes I didn’t quite know what you were talking about. It was clear when you were moving from one point to the next. It wasn’t always clear when you were moving from one point to the next. You were using words linked to the topic. I could understand them well. Some of the words you used were not quite clear to me. 1 Start out by saying what you liked about the presentation, including all aspects, such as visual aids, eye contact, interaction, and so on. 2 Then tell the presenter very politely what may need improving. Don’t simply say, “I didn’t like it.” When giving feedback on a talk, be as specific as possible. The grid below might help you. 3 Last but not least, repeat the positive aspects and tell the presenter that if he/she works on the points you criticised, the next presentation will be so much better. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv