way2go! 5, Schulbuch

72 Unit 05 | Reach out! Presentations Match the headings with the tips below. There are two headings you won’t need. Appearance  Body language  Interaction  Notes  Practice  Sources  Speech  Structure  Time  Place  Visual aids (posters, a slide show presentation, etc.) READING 17 M p. 33 In pairs, discuss which of the presentation tips you consider most important. Together you should talk for about five to six minutes. Each of you should have about the same amount of speaking time. Discuss all aspects. Finally agree on the two or three most important tips. SPEAKING 18 Structuring your presentation There are many different expressions you can use to structure your presentation logically and clearly. Study the suggestions below, then prepare a presentation for your class. LANGUAGE + SPEAKING 19  I’d like to present to you my favourite …  Today, I’ll be presenting …  I’d like to talk about …  My presentation will cover the following points: …  Let’s begin with …  Finally, …  In conclusion, I’d like to say …  To sum up, …/To summarise my main points, …  I’d like to move on to …  Now, let’s take a look at …  Next, I’ll look at …  This leads me to my next point: … Ideas for presentations: Your favourite …  film/TV series  film star/pop star  social media star  athlete/football player  book  restaurant/food  leisure activity (1) Dress smartly. It will make you look more professional and help your audience to focus on you. (6) Keep slides/posters simple. Don’t have lots of text on them. Include pictures or diagrams. (3) A good presentation lasts about 5 to 10 minutes. Make sure you can look at a clock or bring a wristwatch. (2) Do this in front of a mirror or ask a friend to give you feedback. (5) Speak clearly and confidently, not too fast. Use everyday language. (9) Have a logical order: introduction, main part, conclusion. (8) Involve your audience, ask questions. (4) Stand upright, keep eye contact and smile. (7) Use index cards, only write down the main points. Don’t write full sentences. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv