way2go! 5, Schulbuch

70 Unit 05 | Reach out! Body language Body language Look at the people in the pictures below. Match the expressions to the correct pictures. LANGUAGE 12 a What could each of the people be saying? Write down your ideas, then compare them with a partner. The young man in picture A could be saying, “Let me think”, or “I wonder what we can do”, or “I think I know the answer”… b Body language can seem very funny at times. Can you think of any comedians, film stars or other people whose body language makes people laugh? Make notes, then describe a funny gesture, facial expression or movement to a partner. Share the best descriptions in class. SPEAKING 14 Find a new partner, then read out one of the sentences you have made up about the people. Your partner should try to guess which person you are talking about. Choose one of the pictures and a sentence. Use them to write a short story about what has happened to make the person feel that way. c WRITING 13 One of my best friends can make funny faces that always make me laugh. For example, she … 1 frowning, hands on hips 2 hand held up 3 raised fists, smiling 4 arms crossed 5 eyes wide open, hands over mouth 6 looking up, finger to lips 7 smiling, hand on chin 8 blowing out cheeks, open palms upwards A B C D E F G H Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv