way2go! 5, Schulbuch

68 Unit 05 | Reach out! Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs are very common in the English language. What do you know about them already? Study the sentences below and say whether you think they are true or false. Phrasal verbs … a … are used much more in formal than in informal language. true/false b … are used much more in spoken than in written communication. true/false c … are used much more by native speakers than by non-native speakers. true/false d … are often common verbs plus a noun. true/false e … change their meaning with different prepositions. true/false Unscramble some of the most common verbs that you can turn into phrasal verbs with different prepositions. Most of them are irregular verbs. Do you know all three forms? LANGUAGE 10 a M p. 31 b Remember the phrasal verbs you have learned in your English lessons so far. Together with a partner, find some examples of phrasal verbs for each of the verbs above. Do you remember what they mean? Complete the mind maps with the correct phrasal verbs. Try to guess the meaning from the example sentence, then check. c 11 ARRYC ETG KATE URNT UTP KLOO RAEKB GRNIB carry IKCP IFND ROGW AGNH WKOR UCT OMCE AKME pick The plane is about to land, (4) it’s already. Our car (5) yesterday. You need to (3) the computer when you’re finished. I forget everything I don’t (2) immediately. put write break find look work turn figure shut come He never (1) his mobile phone. down My mum is (6) how her new computer works at the moment. Let’s (7) if Susan has time to go out tonight. (8) ! This part of the climb is really dangerous. I wasn’t sure at first, but this has (9) really well. Don’t worry, it will all (10) fine in the end. out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv