way2go! 5, Schulbuch

67 0 Texting has simplified communication by A being cheaper than phone calls. B taking away the need for difficult telephone calls. C making phone calls quicker and more pleasant. D stopping people communicating with each other. 1 Among adults, texting is A seen as something for young people. B used for longer conversations. C becoming more popular. D seen as impolite. 2 People who text often A prefer not to mix with other people socially. B may find it more difficult to communicate with others in person. C don’t use their mobile phones when others are around. D think faster than those who don’t text much. 3 Some young people A may seem unfriendly by accident. B always text and talk to their friends at the same time. C are too busy texting to eat their meals. D can only communicate properly via text. 4 Texting funny or unimportant messages can often lead to A people making more friends. B an increase in the number of texts being sent. C people making more phone calls. D less meaningful interaction. 5 People who mainly communicate by text may A make more mistakes in writing. B grow up only being able to text. C not be able to communicate with people who phone or email. D have difficulties in thinking clearly. 6 One difference between texting and phone calls is that A phone calls make people angry. B there are rules about when you can text someone. C people are happy to receive a text at any time. D people feel they can text whenever they like, whatever the situation. 7 The regular use of mobiles to text might A help people find real friends. B lead to more private lives. C change relationships in the future. D make people more impatient. Discuss the following questions with a partner and present your ideas to the class. 1 Is the author critical of texting? Use sentences from the article to say why you (don’t) think so. 2 Which of the author’s ideas do you agree or disagree with? Give reasons. 3 Do you think it’s OK to text anyone about anything at any time? What’s OK and what isn’t? SPEAKING 8 Opposites Find the opposite of each of the following words in the article. They are in the order they come up in the article. LANGUAGE 9 a pleasant b slowly c discourage d comfortable e rare f polite g decrease h unlikely i meaningless j correct k occasionally l patience Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verl gs öbv