way2go! 5, Schulbuch

57 Discuss these questions in class. 1 What other things could eating healthily involve? small portions, chewing your food slowly, … 2 How could you encourage someone to develop healthy eating habits? 3 Do you think young people eat a lot of unhealthy food? Give reasons for your answer. SPEAKING 14 You are going to listen to an interview about ‘orthorexia’. Look at the picture on the right. What do you think it will be about? Now read the information next to the picture, then discuss the questions in pairs. Write down at least one idea for each question. Share your ideas with the rest of your class. LISTENING 16 a b Listening to authentic audio material Most of the English recordings you have been listening to so far in your English lessons were prepared especially for you as a learner. Now it’s time for you to start working on ‘real’ audio materials so you can get used to listening to authentic English, as English people use it. How do you think this will be different from what you’ve known so far? In pairs, try to come up with a few things that characterise ‘real-life’ speech. Examples: more words I don’t know, higher speed, … Listening to authentic recordings might be very unusual and difficult for you at first, so here are some tips to get you started: STRATEGIES 15 a b Look at the task carefully so that you know what you have to listen for. The tasks you do now focus on main ideas and facts that are clearly stated in the recording – not on detailed under- standing. The speakers might not speak very clearly or may have an accent you have to get used to. Don’t panic! It’s OK if you don’t understand some words or even longer parts of the recording. Feel good about yourself whenever you understand something – it shows how much you’ve already learned! Listen to the recordings at home as well, more than just once or twice. For more practice, look for English podcasts or videos on the internet. Choose a topic you are interested in and know a lot about. You’ll be surprised by how much you can understand! It’s important to eat healthy food and to avoid eating too much processed food high in salt, sugar or fat. However, some people become obsessed with eating healthy food, which can cause them to become very ill or even die. This kind of obsession with a perfect diet is called ‘orthorexia’. People who are orthorexic spend much of their time thinking about what they should and shouldn’t eat, with the result that they don’t eat enough to keep their bodies healthy. 1 What effects could trying to follow a ‘perfect’ diet have? 2 Can you think of reasons why people might become orthorexic? 3 What advice could you give someone who is too concerned with what they eat? With a partner, read the following sentences, then take turns explaining the underlined words. If you need help, use a dictionary or the word list at the end of this book. 1 Peter always brags about how fit and sporty he is. I hate that! 2 My best friend in primary school always shared her snacks with me when I was hungry. 3 I think it’s important to do some things simply for pleasure, and not only because they are useful. 4 Sports, exercise and healthy food are all ways of improving your physical condition. 5 Healthy eating has a clear purpose: to make you feel better. 6 She goes to the gym almost every day in her quest for a perfect body. 7 Sports can be unhealthy if you go beyond what your body can do. 17 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv