way2go! 5, Schulbuch

51 Let’s grab a bite to eat! Listen to Lizzie and Irina talking about food at a café. Which of the dishes and ingredients do they mention? Tick the correct answers. LISTENING 2 a 08 Read the menu on the right and circle the options you think are correct. Together with a partner, create a (restaurant) menu of your own. For your menu, agree on some starters, main dishes and desserts. You can choose your favourite kinds of food or a set of traditional foods from a particular country. Now get together with a different partner. Suggest the restaurant you’ve written the menu for. Your partner is not sure if he/she wants to go there. The following expressions will help you to convince your partner. SPEAKING 3 a b c a ham sandwich b steak c chicken club d smoothies e salmon f BLT g jacket potato h catfish 1 i Cardio Angel j tomato soup k lettuce l Winter Miracle m quiche n cod 2 o ginger p cheddar cheese Listen again to find answers to the following questions. 1 Which food items were new to Irina? 2 What does Irina order? 3 What is Lizzie going to eat? Talk about the following questions with a partner. 1 Which of the items have you already tried? Say when, where and how you liked them. 2 Which dishes or ingredients are you curious about? What do you think they are like? 3 Which do you consider typically British or American? Why? 4 What are typical Austrian dishes or ingredients for you? b c Ask: What kind of food do you like best? Suggest: We could go to this new restaurant called … Describe: The desserts there are simply the best. They have this great …, which tastes like … Compare: I like this place better because it has more …, and the … look better too. Give reasons: You’ll love the food there because … Starter Beef soup with (1) sliced/boiled pancakes Cream of garlic soup with (2) raw/crunchy croutons Steak tartare (3) served/seasoned with toast  Main Course Viennese Schnitzel: veal (4) fried/grilled in breadcrumbs, served with a mixed salad Baked camembert cheese served with (5) smoked/homemade cranberry sauce  Dessert Apple strudel with vanilla (6) sauce/gravy Pancakes served with (7) tasteless/delicious apricot jam Assembly Squares’ Finest | 206 W 70th Street, NewYork City, NY 10023 © 2017 Assembly Squares’ Finest 1 catfish: Wels 2 cod: Kabeljau/Dorsch Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv