way2go! 5, Schulbuch

46 PROGRESS CHECK Before you do the tasks, look back over the work you’ve done so far. How do you think you’re getting on? Make a mark on the line that shows where you see yourself. Then do the tasks. Don’t forget to check your answers with the key on p. 191 afterwards! Progress check 01 !! LANGUAGE I can use the most common suffixes to make words I need. That’s news to me Do you have some free time to spare? Are you looking for something (0) (interest) to do after school? If you enjoy a (1) (challenge) project, then you should join the school newspaper. The newspaper is run by students who meet (2) (week) to discuss and report any interesting news or events. They think it’s important to share news of what’s happening with the students and teachers in school: special events, such as competitions or dances, results of sports matches and even film and book reviews. It’s important to have good stories to keep all the newspaper’s (3) (read) interested. There are a lot of different jobs you can do on a school newspaper. You could be a graphic (4) (art) , designing images for the newspaper. If you are sociable and enjoy mixing with people, you could be a (5) (report) . This involves going around the school asking questions and interviewing people, such as new teachers and students. Everyone likes to find out about the new faces in school. If you enjoy watching sports, you could write articles about the (6) (achieve) of the school teams, the games they win or lose, the sportspeople who score goals, and so on. Being on the school newspaper is especially cool if you are a keen (7) (photograph) . There are lots of opportunities for taking great pictures of different (8) (active) around school and then sharing these with everyone through the newspaper. It helps if you carry your camera around all the time so you can get some (9) (origin) snaps as things happen. You will have to be very (10) (profession) , however, and make sure people are happy to have their photograph taken. 0 interesting 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 Read the text about school newspapers. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–10). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 1 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv