way2go! 5, Schulbuch

44 Unit 03 | Learning and teaching Topic vocabulary Improve the word map below by adding more expressions from this unit to the right categories. LANGUAGE 18 a M p. 23 Word families A great way to improve your vocabulary and practise word endings is to study word families. A word family is a group of related words made from one stem. Look at these examples: STRATEGIES 17 Start a table like the one above for your vocabulary notebook. Collect words from this unit and use a good (online) dictionary to find the other forms. For some words you can’t fill all columns, and sometimes there might be more than one noun or adjective. Remember that the pronunciation of the words can change when you add an ending. Sometimes the word stress (the stressed syllable) changes, but some words are pronounced very differently as nouns or verbs. Again, use a good dictionary to check. Noun Verb Adjective education educator educate educated educational qualification qualify qualified training trainer train trained to revise for an exam to cram for an exam to pass an exam 11-plus UK US SAT exams people student/pupil in the US school life to take/sit an exam types of schools activities attending lessons form teacher ( BE )/ homeroom teacher ( AE ) caretaker ( BE )/janitor ( AE ) comprehensive vocational academic selective having lunch in the school cafeteria headteacher ( BE )/principal ( AE ) signing up for extracurricular activities classmate freshman sophomore Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv