way2go! 5, Schulbuch

43 Read the article about a famous US school. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–11). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 16 M p. 20 Strategies box Language in use – Word formation (WF) Read the sentences carefully to find out what kind of word (noun, verb, etc.) you need to complete the gaps. You always have to change the word in bold; it is never correct. Make sure that the new word fits the gap in terms of meaning and grammar – and that it is spelt correctly! Sidwell Friends School in the USA is famous because former President Barack Obama’s daughters Sasha and Malia were students there. They were not the only president’s children to get their (0) (educate) at this school in Washington, D.C. It has been chosen by many (1) (lead) of the country as other US presidents have sent their children there. Theodore Roosevelt’s son Archibald, Richard Nixon’s daughter Tricia and Bill Clinton’s daughter Chelsea all went to school at Sidwell. This private school was first opened in 1883. There has been a lot of (2) (develop) at Sidwell since then. In fact, until 1956 Sidwell was a white-only school. Sidwell is called ‘Friends School’ because it is a Quaker school. Quakers are a Christian group who believe in the (3) (improve) of people’s lives through peace and simplicity. Over 1,000 students go to Sidwell, around half are boys and half girls. The building is interesting for any (4) (photograph) as it is on the National Register of Historic Places. For keen (5) (read) , the library contains a lot of fascinating (6) (inform) in more than 20,000 books, and there is a special collection of books about China. There is little (7) (argue) that it is an excellent school library. In the arts programme, students are taught to be creative (8) (art) and share their work with the community. In music there is a chance for (9) (music) to join an orchestra. In May each year students are expected to do some (10) (revise) for their AP (Advanced Placement) examinations. It is a great (11) (achieve) to pass these exams. 0 education 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv