way2go! 5, Schulbuch

42 Unit 03 | Learning and teaching More suffixes You can make many English nouns by adding suffixes to other words. Study the suffixes in green and the underlined stem words in the sentences below. Match the suffixes to the correct explanations. 1 I can learn a lot from the correct ion of my mistakes. But I think some teachers correct too much. 2 Robert is a guitar ist – he plays the guitar in the school band. 3 The ideal teach er knows how to teach effectively. 4 Lisa is interested in politics and wants to become a politic ian . 5 Some people say a teacher has to be a good act or because he needs to act in class. 6 Many students take part in compet ition s. They compete with each other in sports, chess or music. 7 What the students learn at school is what is most important. It’s all about the learn ing ! 8 You need to prepare well to pass the exam. Good prepar ation is more important than talent. 9 Entertain ment is an important part of teaching, but you can’t expect to be entertained all the time. LANGUAGE 15 a M p. 19 Suffixes that change verbs into nouns . The new nouns are ideas or things . -ion Suffixes that change verbs into nouns . The new nouns are people . Suffixes that change nouns for things or ideas into nouns for people . Eton College is a world-famous public school near Windsor. In addition to members of the royal family, many famous politicians, writers and actors are former Eton students (known as ‘Old Etonians’). Complete these sentences about Eton College by using the words in brackets and adding the correct suffixes. b Adding a suffix can change the pronunciation of the word: compete [ kEm*pi:t ] vs. competition [ 9kOmpE*tISEn ]; prepare [ prI*peE ] vs. preparation [ 9prepEr*eISEn ] Make sure you know how to pronounce the word. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 The students at Eton sometimes go on skiing or mountaineering expeditions and have a qualified to teach them. (instruct) 2 For a few weeks a year, the school has a professional who shows the students how to improve their skills. (art) 3 Before their exams, all Eton students will need to do some . (prepare) 4 is done to see who is in class and who is absent. (register) 5 Students in the swimming team take part in against other schools. (compete) 6 Eton College students often visit art (exhibit) in London. 7 In (add), many students go running or rowing in the afternoon. 8 There are special rooms in the library at Eton for researchers who are studying some of the rare books kept there. (read) 9 The students at Eton sometimes listen to a talk given by a guest . (speak) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv