way2go! 5, Schulbuch

39 people feelings an event in the past objects Looks: short, tall, good-looking, average-looking, young, … Behaviour: kind, polite, caring, moody, rude, thoughtless, aggressive, bossy, … Character: brave, clever, easy- going, friendly, honest, lazy, mean, nasty, selfish, reliable, outgoing, boring, bad-tempered, …  What happened?  When did it happen?  Where did it happen?  Why did it happen?  Who was with you?  What did you say?  What did other people say?  How did you feel? Happy: pleased, relaxed, comfortable, excited, proud, … Unhappy: disappointed, helpless, miserable, stressed, … Angry: furious, fed-up, frustrated, annoyed, … Afraid: worried, scared, frightened, terrified, … Material: glass, wood, cotton, plastic, leather, steel, … Quantity: few, some, several, all, … Quality: good, fantastic, ugly, clean, comfortable, valuable, useless, important, lovely, disgusting, amazing, unusual, … Sound: loud, quiet, silent, mute, … Taste: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, … Touch: hard, soft, smooth, rough, … Size/weight: tiny, small, big, enormous, gigantic, light, heavy, … Speed: quick, fast, slow, … Temperature: hot, cold, freezing, icy, chilly, burning, … Age: ancient, antique, old-fashioned, modern, new, … Shape: round, square, oval, flat, straight, symmetrical, … Colour: pink, yellowish, dark-green, metallic, golden, … Distance: short, far, close, … Time: early, late, in the morning, first, … Intensifiers: quite nice, really good, rather boring, unusually hot, absolutely disgusting, pretty bad Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv