way2go! 5, Schulbuch

38 Unit 03 | Learning and teaching Throw the dice and talk. ( You need a dice.) 1 Work in groups of three or four. 2 Throw the dice twice. First throw: You go from left to right. 3 Second throw: You go from top to bottom. Example: First throw 3, second throw 2: ‘a lesson you remember well’ – that’s your topic to talk about. If you land on an ice cream cone, you can talk about anything you want to talk about (music, sports, food, …) . 4 When everyone has thrown the dice, prepare what you are going to say. The questions and expressions on the next page can help you say more. 5 Then take turns talking about your topic for at least one minute. Talk about … SPEAKING 11 School life a classmate you really like what you find boring at school the school building what you liked about your primary school how you get to school what makes you laugh at school what you worry about in school a lesson you remember well what you liked about last school year your favourite subject at school what you would like to change at school what you don’t like doing at school what you learned in English last year the school computers what you would like to learn about in history what made you angry last year a field trip you remember well the weekday you like best tests and exams at school sports activities at school your favourite teacher students in higher or lower classes homework what you would like to learn about in biology reading books at school what you like about your English book what you would like to learn about in geography your English lessons a film you have seen at school the school cafeteria Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv