way2go! 5, Schulbuch

37 Do you know what a blog is? Do this quiz and find out. Circle your answers. There can be more than one correct answer. Check with your teacher afterwards. WRITING 10 a Some students from Whitehall Secondary School have started a blog on school life. They are discussing school rules and adding blog comments on how they feel about it. Looking at Whitehall’s website you have come across the following blog post: b You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should:  say what you think about texting during lessons  give examples of rules at your school  suggest some basic rules for teachers Write around 200 words.  Go to Writing coach , pp. 172+ 174, for help and a model text. MacLeslie Rules for teachers? Our teachers keep telling us about the school rules, but they don’t seem to have any rules themselves. Like, we’re not allowed to write text messages during lessons, but they do it all the time! Do you think that’s fair? reply 1 What is a blog? A A kind of letter B A website C An interactive way of writing D A reading exercise 2 Who can write a blog? A Only young people B Anyone who has access to the internet C Anyone who wants to comment on a writer’s opinion D Only people with a university degree 4 What should a writer do when writing a blog? A Be polite. B Make the blog interesting for readers. C Invite other readers to comment. D Give himself/herself a funny user name. 5 What shouldn’t a writer do when writing a blog? A Ask other bloggers for their opinion. B Write boring stories. C Use slang words. D Give his/her blog a clear structure. 3 Who usually reads blogs? A Anyone with access to the internet B Only students and teachers C Only the writer’s friends D Only the writer’s internet provider 6 What can blogs be about? A Travelling B School C Young people’s problems D Anything as long as they are interesting to read Strategies box When you suggest something, you give people ideas about what they could do in a particular situation or what they could think about. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv