way2go! 5, Schulbuch

35 Now discuss your school rules with a partner. Which rules would you change or even remove? Give reasons. b Point – Example – Explanation – Link (‘PEEL’) When you argue a point in writing, the following structure will help you: You make the POINT that you want to argue, bring in an EXAMPLE and an EXPLANATION for your example, and LINK back to your original idea. Here’s what two students wrote about school uniforms. Study their points, examples, explanations and links back. Then produce a paragraph of your own, following the same structure. You can argue for or against any of the ideas in exercises 5 and 6. STRATEGIES 7 4 to bridge a gap: eine Kluft überbrücken What rules are important at your school? Read the dos and don’ts below and add some more. Dos for students Don’ts for students Be punctual in the morning. Wear appropriate clothes. Respect teachers and other students. Don’t bully other students. Don’t forget to do your homework. Don’t use your mobile during lessons. SPEAKING 6 a P Point Students at our school wouldn’t want to wear a school uniform like students in England do. E Evidence or Example School uniforms look totally boring. They mostly consist of dark blue skirts or trousers and white blouses or shirts. Everyone looks the same. E Explanation I think it’s awful if everyone looks the same. We are all different from one another and we want to wear what we like and what really suits us. L Link Therefore I believe school uniforms wouldn’t be popular at our school. P Point I think school uniforms help to bridge the gap 4 between rich and poor students. E Evidence or Example Lots of schools in England require their students to wear school uniforms. Everyone wears the same, no matter how rich or poor they are. E Explanation At our school some people show off their expensive designer clothes. They let others know how much money they are able to spend on clothes. It’s unfair. L Link This is why I think school uniforms are a great idea. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv