way2go! 5, Schulbuch

31 Looking back: Learning goals of Unit 02 !! READING B1 I can understand a straightforward story or article on the topic of leisure activities. (ex. 6, 16a) LISTENING B1 I can understand the main points and important details of a shorter story. (ex. 7) B1 I can understand the main points and important details of clear standard speech on the topic of leisure activities. (ex. 14c) WRITING B1 I can write a straightforward connected email on the topic of leisure activities. (ex. 5, 18) SPEAKING B1 I can enter unprepared into conversation on the topic of leisure activities to exchange information. (ex. 1, 4b, 13, 17) B1 I can express opinions and feelings and respond to them. (ex. 13, 17) B1 I can give a straightforward connected description on the topic of leisure activities reasonably fluently. (ex. 8b, 12) LANGUAGE I can make comparisons. I can use the present continuous to describe pictures or ongoing activities. I can use narrative tenses when telling a story. I can use some of the most common suffixes to make words. I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on the topic of leisure activities. you can meet friends addictive why leisure activities can be good why leisure activities can be bad (8) (7) (10) (9) (12) (11) get you outdoors are exciting make you feel good take your mind off problems teach you important skills improve your communication skills keep you from meeting people keep you fit stressful help you relax Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv