way2go! 5, Schulbuch

29 6 ingrained: tief verwurzelt 7 to impact sth.: etw. stark beeinflussen Women represent a huge and growing segment of the gamer community. There are twice as many adult female gamers (33 percent) as there are young male players (15 percent), and the most frequent female game player is on average 43 years old. Games bring people together. Playing video games (6) . 56 percent of the most frequent gamers play with others, and 54 percent play online in multiplayer mode at least weekly. About half of the most frequent game players say that video games (7) . Video games are a huge and growing hi-tech entertainment source. Games connect us, inspire us and bring us emotional experiences. They are ingrained 6 in our culture. As they become more popular, games will continue to impact 7 all aspects of society and stimulate creative solutions to major challenges. A watched the League of Legends World Championship B sitting in front of his computer C own a game-playing device D is an increasingly social activity E didn’t play any video games F are a significant part of American culture G is not who plays H help them connect with friends and family I come from a new report J riding the train, running errands or watching their favourite TV show 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 G Find the correct answers to the questions in 15a in the text. Did you guess right? Then discuss them with a partner. Do you find any of them surprising? Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1 What does the author say in the last paragraph? Try to express the ideas in your own words. 2 Do you agree that playing video games is a social activity? Why?/Why not? 3 Why do some people criticise video games? What’s your opinion? b SPEAKING 17 Language box Find examples of how the text compares facts and figures: … more than … … as many as … … the most …  For information on Comparisons , go to Grammar revisited , p. 168. M p. 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv