way2go! 5, Schulbuch

26 Unit 02 | Me time Describe one of the pictures below to a partner. First, write down five expressions from exercise 11 you want to use. Then talk for about a minute. SPEAKING 12 An international company has decided to sponsor an after-school club at your school with €500. It wants to know which club can make the best use of the money. You are going to have a panel discussion at which you talk about the options with other students. A representative of the company will come to the discussion to listen to your arguments. Prepare for the panel discussion. Your teacher will tell you which of the after-school clubs below you have to suggest. Find arguments that support your ideas. 13 M p. 13 a 1 Why do you want to suggest your club? 2 What are the benefits for the school? 3 How will the money be spent? 4 Why is it better than the other suggestions? 5 What could the others say against it? Prepare for possible counter-arguments as well. Now get together in groups of five and have the discussion. Try to agree on two suggestions for the representative. b Art Club drawing, painting, photography, … Music Club playing musical instruments, dancing, … Games Club board games and online games, … Sports Club ball games, athletics, winter sports, … School Magazine current issues, recommendations for books and films, … Arguments in favour: Expected counter-arguments: Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv