way2go! 5, Schulbuch

22 Unit 02 | Me time Describing leisure activities Study the word map on listening to music below. Then create a word map for your favourite leisure activity with the help of these questions: LANGUAGE 4 a Work with a partner. Ask questions about the details of his/her favourite leisure activity. How many questions do you need to ask before you can guess the activity? b Your English partner school is doing a project on leisure activities that are popular with young people around the world. Hannah wants to know what you and your friends enjoy doing in your free time. You have decided to send her an email. In your email you should:  give examples of leisure activities your friends enjoy  describe your favourite leisure activity  say what is special about it Write around 200 words.  See Writing coach , Informal email , pp. 169/170. WRITING 5 M p. 11 Narrative tenses After reading your email, Hannah writes back to tell you about her free time activities. The text on the next page is part of her answer. Underline all uses of the past continuous in one colour and the past perfect in a different one. Check the Language box if you need help (or study Grammar revisited , pp. 163/164). LANGUAGE 6 a M p. 12 Strategies box When you describe something, you say or write what something is like . You can give facts and details (where and how often you do it, who you do it with, what you need to do it, etc.) to make your description clear and specific. doesn’t take up much time listening to music good headphones can do it anywhere a streaming app can be dangerous in traffic neighbours/parents sometimes complain about the noise a mobile phone a stereo  What skills or knowledge do you need? Do you need any equipment for it?  Do more women or men usually do it? Who can’t do it?  What can you learn from doing it? Do you do it with other people?  How dangerous is it? How expensive is it? 1 What do you need to do it? 2 Who usually does it? 3 What’s good about it? 4 What’s bad about it? what you need what’s bad about it what’s good about it Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv