way2go! 5, Schulbuch

21 Time off In order to learn more about each other, you have agreed with your partner school to regularly communicate on a social network to find out what a typical Sunday looks like. Here are some of the posts Lizzie wrote. Match them to the time she wrote them. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. The first post has been done for you. READING 2 The present continuous Underline all examples of the present continuous ( am / is / are + -ing form of the verb) in Lizzie’s posts. Why does she use this tense in her posts? What is your present status? Imagine what it could be at the times given above and write a short entry for each. Remember to use the present continuous when writing about something you are doing at that time.  For information on Present continuous , go to Grammar revisited , p. 162. LANGUAGE 3 a M p. 10 b 1 to zap around: wahllos zwischen den TV-Programmen hin- und herschalten Steve’s doing some sort of homework assignment on my laptop. So I’m back in my bed, playing video games on my mobile and listening to music – check out my playlist. d 12:15 4 Steve is making popcorn while the rest of the family is sitting on the couch. We always watch our favourite game show together on Sundays. g 17:30 7 Like most afternoons, there isn’t anything good on TV, so I’m just zapping around 1 and lying on the sofa. a 08:30 1 I’m lying in bed and can’t sleep because I’m thinking about all the things I still need to finish for my school day tomorrow. b 10:00 2 I’ve stopped watching TV and now I’m talking to my best friend Emily on the phone. (I think Steve’s listening in.) e 13:30 5 I have my piano lesson tomorrow, so I’m practising. I hope the neighbours won’t be angry because I’m making a noise at this hour. f 16:00 6 Time for lunch. Mum has finished cooking and Steve is calling Pam. Pam has stopped her work in the garden and is coming in. h 19:00 8 I’m brushing my teeth and thinking about what I need to pack in my school bag for tomorrow. i 20:30 9 Finally, Steve’s done. Now I’m working, checking some data for a school project. j 22:00 10 I’m having breakfast with Mum, Pam, Steve and Kerry. Pam has made her famous omelettes with onions and mushrooms. k 23:30 11 I’m still in my pyjamas and having a cup of tea. I love sleeping in a bit on Sundays. c 11:45 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv