way2go! 5, Schulbuch

191 Progress checks – answer key Progress check 01, pp. 46/47 That’s news to me (WF) Key: 1 challenging, 2 weekly, 3 readers, 4 artist, 5 reporter, 6 achievements, 7 photographer, 8 activities, 9 original, 10 professional LANGUAGE IN USE 1 Progress check 02, pp. 86/87 The power of napping (MC) Key: 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 D, 6 C, 7 C, 8 A, 9 B LANGUAGE IN USE 1 What next? Look at your mistakes carefully: What problems did you have? Did you know the type of word you need (noun, adjective, etc.), but you couldn’t think of the correct suffix? Or was there a problem with your spelling? Look at these examples:  The gap in a (1) project could theoretically be completed with an adjective or a noun. But remember that the word given is never correct, and challenge is a noun. What suffix can you use to turn it into an adjective?  Can you see the gap in meet (2) to discuss needs an adverb?  The gap in all the newspaper’s (3) interested requires a noun in the plural as it says all . Whitney’s story (MM) Key: 1 H, 2 E, 3 I, 4 D, 5 C, 6 G READING 2 What next? Look at your mistakes carefully: What problems did you have? For example:  4, 7 and 9 test you on the use of the present perfect.  1, 2 and 6 test you on comparison structures. Planking (MM) Key: 1 F, 2 H, 3 A, 4 G, 5 J, 6 B, 7 D LISTENING 2 What next? Listen again. Can you see why the answers given have to be the correct ones? The task itself can also help you find the answers – if you read it carefully. For example, with sentence beginning 1, only endings A and F make meaningful sentences. What next? Can you see why these answers have to be the correct ones? Look carefully at the words before and after each gap again. What connects the missing part to the rest of the text? Look at these examples:  Only sentence part D works with the phrase that students share , which follows gap 4.  The masculine pronoun in He asked if she (5) comes up again in C: would be his friend .  The feminine pronoun in She (6) comes up again in G: smiled and stretched her hand . LANGUAGE I can use the most common suffixes to make words I need. 10–8: 7–6: 5–0: READING B1 I can understand a straightforward description of events, feelings and wishes. 6–5: 4–3: 2–0: LANGUAGE I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on a familiar topic. 9–8: 7–6: 5–0: LISTENING B1 I can understand the main points and important details of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work or leisure. 7–6: 5–4: 3–0: Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv