way2go! 5, Schulbuch

19 Reflecting on what you’ve learned Go back over the work you’ve done in this unit. 1 What have you learned? What was new for you? 2 What feedback did you get from your teacher and from your classmates? 3 What was easy for you? What can you do well? 4 What was difficult for you? What do you still need to work on? You will find a table with learning goals at the end of each unit. It will help you focus on the language skills expected of you by the curriculum. Compare the descriptions in the table to your learning so far. For each goal mark a spot on the bar to say where you see yourself. STRATEGIES 17 Finally, answer the questions or complete the sentences below the table. Make your mark somewhere on the left to say: I can do this well. It’s fun and easy or even boring for me. Put it in the centre to say: I can do this most of the time. It can be a challenge, but usually it’s OK. Mark on the right to say: !! I can’t do this well yet. I need to spend more time on this. A task that was really challenging for me was … My favourite new words from this unit are … Looking back: Learning goals of Unit 01 !! READING B1 I can understand a straightforward article or story on the topic of friendship. (ex. 3a, 8b) LISTENING B1 I can understand the main points and important details of clear standard speech on the topic of friendship. (ex. 11c, 14b/c) WRITING B1 I can ask for and give information as well as state reasons for actions in a paragraph or an email. (ex. 7, 13) SPEAKING B1 I can enter unprepared into conversation on the topic of friendship to exchange information. (ex. 2, 6b, 15) B1 I can give a straightforward connected description on the topic of friendship reasonably fluently. (ex. 10) LANGUAGE I can use new phrasal verbs to express myself more fluently. I can use question forms correctly in speaking or writing. I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on the topic of friendship. “We do not learn from experience … we learn from reflecting on experience.” ( John Dewey, US psychologist ) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv