way2go! 5, Schulbuch

182 VOCABULARY 22 distraction Ablenkung expert [ *eksp3"t ] Experte/Expertin to be awake [ E*weIk ] wach sein 25 freshly prepared food frisch zubereitetes Essen screen time Zeit vor dem Bildschirm savoury [ *seIvEri ] pikant roasted [ *rEUstId ] gebraten, geröstet takeaway (food) Essen zum Mitnehmen taste Geschmack terrific großartig, hervorragend Looking back delivered clearly I liked that your talk was well structured and delivered clearly. I could understand everything. hier: deutlich gesprochen Unit 05 to reach out to sb. The city is reaching out to young people and asking for their ideas. mit jmdm. in Kontakt treten, jmdn. zu erreichen versuchen body language Körpersprache 1 to stare at sb./sth. Stan always stares at the floor when I talk to him. jmdn./etw. anstarren to isolate [ *aIsEleIt ] sb./sth. jmdn./etw. isolieren/ abschotten antisocial [ +xnti*sEUSEl ] unsozial, ungesellig visual [ *vIZuEl ] The use of pictures is an example of visual communication. visuell 2 to come up with sth. Did you come up with this or your brother? sich etw. einfallen lassen 3 to text sb. You can text me later if you have questions. jmdm. eine Text-/ Kurznachricht schicken blessing Segen curse [ k3"s ] Fluch to be amused sich amüsieren, belustigt sein cheeky frech, keck 4 abbreviation [ E+bri"vi*eISEn ] Abkürzung, Kürzel efficient (opp. inefficient ) effizient, wirkungsvoll to replace sth. The company is replacing all the workers with robots. etw. ersetzen 6 hardly any … There are hardly any people who don’t have a mobile phone. kaum …, fast kein/e/n … 7 subheading Zwischenüberschrift unpleasant [ 0n*plezEnt ] unangenehm upward [ *0pwEd ] towards … hinauf zu … obvious [ *ObviEs ] Look at them! It’s so obvious that they like each other. offensichtlich rapid [ *rxpId ] schnell, rasch via [ *vaIE ] We all communicate via text. via, mittels, über in person persönlich consequently daher, folglich in sb.’s presence in jmds. Anwesenheit to increase sth. (opp. to decrease sth. ) etw. erhöhen frequency [ *fri"kwEnsi ] Häufigkeit, Frequenz 15 to be surprised by sth. I was surprised by his great performance. von etw. überrascht sein 16 orthorexia [ +C"TE*reksiE ] Orthorexie (krankhafte Fixierung auf gesunde Ernährung) to be high in sth. Fries are high in fat. viel von etw. beinhalten to be obsessed with sth. von etw. besessen sein obsession Besessenheit to be concerned with sth. sich mit etw. beschäftigen 17 to brag about sth. People don’t like it when you brag about money. mit etw. angeben to share sth. Fancy sharing a pizza? etw. teilen for pleasure [ +fC" *pleZE ] More and more schoolchildren choose to read for pleasure. zum Vergnügen exercise Bewegung, Sport physical condition körperliche Verfassung purpose [ *p3"pEs ] Zweck quest [ kwest ] She’s on a quest for the perfect wedding dress. ( lange , schwierige ) Suche to go beyond sth. über etw. hinausgehen 18 anorexia [ xnE*reksiE ] Anorexie, Magersucht advertisement/advert/ad Werbung, Werbeanzeige, Inserat 19 proverb [ *prOv3"b ] Sprichwort 20 to look sth. up I don’t know, let’s look it up online. etw. nachschlagen to be at your best in Höchstform sein medical research [ +medIkEl rI*s3"tS ] medizinische Forschung to prove sth. etw. beweisen to affect sb./sth. I hope the bad weather won’t affect my health. sich auf jmdn./etw. auswirken to tend to do sth. I tend to get very tired without coffee. dazu tendieren, etw. zu tun; zu etw. neigen additionally Additionally, I’m very interested in the history of cooking. außerdem, des Weiteren increased (opp. decreased ) gesteigert, erhöht to introduce sth. etw. einführen to (take a) nap ein Nickerchen machen to cut down on sth. I need to cut down on chocolate and sweets. I’m gaining weight. etw. einschränken to suffer from sth. Mike suffers from asthma. an etw. leiden obesity [ EU*bi"sEti ] Fettleibigkeit to limit yourself to sth. sich auf etw. beschränken It goes without saying that … It goes without saying that teenagers need a certain amount of sleep. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass … to aim [ eIm ] to do sth. I aim to be a millionaire one day. etw. anstreben/zum Ziel haben to aid [ eId ] helfen, unterstützen growth Wachstum as well as I’ve been to India as well as China. sowie mental health geistige Gesundheit to reduce stress Stress abbauen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv