way2go! 5, Schulbuch

179 rough [ r0f ] rau enormous enorm, riesig speed Geschwindigkeit freezing It’s freezing (cold) outside – let’s stay at home today. eiskalt chilly It’s a little chilly in the morning, you should take a jacket. frisch, kühl ancient [ *eInSEnt ] antik, (ur)alt old-fashioned altmodisch shape Form distance [ *dIstEns ] What’s the distance from here to Berlin? Entfernung, Distanz absolutely You’re absolutely right! vollkommen, total 12 relevant [ *relEvEnt ] wichtig, relevant nursery school [ *n3"sEri +sku"l ]/ kindergarten / preschool Kindergarten compulsory [ kEm*p0lsEri ] English is a compulsory subject. verpflichtend; Pflicht-… curriculum [ kE*rIkjElEm ] Lehrplan to be divided into sth. Austria is divided into nine big areas. in etw. aufgeteilt/unterteilt sein secondary school (BE) Mittelschule, Oberstufe form (BE) Klasse, Jahrgang depending on … abhängig von … law [ lC" ] You can study law at university. Rechtswissenschaft, Jus; Gesetz, Recht politics [ *pOlEtIks ] politische Bildung electronics [ +elek*trOnIks ] Elektronik to attend school in die Schule gehen state school staatliche Schule faith school konfessionelle Schule local council Gemeinderat budget [ *b0dZIt ] Budget, Finanzen entrance exam [ *entrEns Ig+zxm ] Aufnahmeprüfung confusing verwirrend the royal family die königliche Familie although [ C"l*DEU ] I like basketball, although I’m not really good at it. obwohl education policy Bildungs-/Schulpolitik high school (AE) Oberstufe grade (AE) Jahrgang, Klasse; Schulnote in addition to sth. In addition to the flat in Rome, they have a villa in Miami. neben etw., zusätzlich zu etw. core subject Kernfach, Hauptfach social studies Sozialkunde PE: (abbr. for) physical education Bewegung und Sport (Schulfach) health (education) Gesundheitserziehung optional wahlweise, freiwillig elective Choosing your electives well can help you when you apply to college. Wahlfach IT: (abbr. for) information technology Informatik apart from sth. Apart from tests, I really enjoy going to school. abgesehen von etw. punishment Strafe to influence sth. Advertisements influence the way we shop. etw. beeinflussen 10 to have access [ *xkses ] to sth. I haven’t got access to the internet in my room. Zugang zu etw. haben to comment [ *kOment ] on sth. My mum always comments on what I’m wearing. etw. kommentieren, einen Kommentar zu etw. abgeben university degree akademischer Grad, Universitätsabschluss to come across sth. I came across an interesting article. auf etw. stoßen, über etw. stolpern 11 to throw the dice würfeln to take turns doing sth. The parents take turns driving the kids to school. sich bei etw. abwechseln, etw. abwechselnd tun field trip We’re going on a field trip tomorrow. Exkursion good-looking gutaussehend behaviour [ bI*heIvjE ] Verhalten caring fürsorglich moody launisch rude [ ru"d ] unhöflich thoughtless It was thoughtless not to call her on her birthday. gedankenlos, unbedacht bossy We always have to do as Linda says – she’s so bossy. herrisch brave mutig easy-going locker, unkompliziert mean [ mi"n ] gemein nasty [ *nA"sti ] fies, gemein selfish (opp. selfless ) eigennützig, egoistisch outgoing kontaktfreudig, aufgeschlossen bad-tempered übellaunig, grantig proud He is proud of his school marks. stolz disappointed enttäuscht helpless I feel so helpless – I wish I could do something. hilflos furious [ *fjUEriEs ] zornig, rasend to be fed up with sth. I’m fed up with homework, I’ll go and watch TV now. etw. satthaben frustrated frustriert annoyed [ E*nCId ] verärgert, genervt frightened verängstigt terrified sehr verängstigt cotton Baumwolle steel Stahl quantity Menge quality Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaft valuable [ *vxljEbEl ] Some things needn’t be expensive to be valuable to you. wertvoll useful (opp. useless ) nützlich disgusting ekelhaft tasty schmackhaft, lecker smooth [ smu"D ] glatt, geschmeidig Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv