way2go! 5, Schulbuch

178 VOCABULARY enthusiasm [ In*Tju"zixzEm ] Enthusiasmus, Begeisterung primary school (BE), elementary school (AE) Volksschule proper School teaches you proper reading and writing. ordentlich, richtig to achieve sth. You can achieve all your goals if you work hard. etw. erreichen sb. ought [ *C"t ] to do sth. I ought to go now or I’ll be late. jmd. sollte etw. tun laboratory [ lE*bOrEtEri ] Labor education Bildung, Ausbildung to be available Tutors should be available to all students. verfügbar sein, zur Verfügung stehen in order to … He came home in order to have dinner with the family. um … zu … 5 strict streng to not be strict about sth. etw. nicht so eng sehen favourite Mr Green is always nice to you because you’re his favourite. hier: Liebling, Lieblingsschüler/in sense of humour [ *hju"mE ] Sinn für Humor understanding My dad tried very hard to be understanding. verständnisvoll to be respected respektiert werden punctual [ *p0NktSuEl ] pünktlich to be prepared to do sth. bereit sein, etw. zu tun to agree on sth. sich auf etw. einigen besides Besides, this way you can also save some money. außerdem, überdies for instance The food, for instance, wasn’t bad at all. zum Beispiel It doesn’t make a difference. Es macht keinen Unterschied. to go along with sb./sth. I can’t go along with that. jmdm./etw. zustimmen, sich etw./jmdm. anschließen 6 appropriate [ E*prEUpriEt ] (opp. inappropriate ) angemessen, passend to bully sb. jmdn. schikanieren to remove sth. etw. entfernen 7 link Verbindung mostly There are mostly boys in our class. hauptsächlich, größtenteils to consist of sth. My favourite snack consists of rice and vegetables. aus etw. bestehen therefore deshalb, deswegen to require [ rI*kwaIE ] sth. Do you require any more information? etw. benötigen to require sb. to do sth. (fml.) The school requires you to wear a white shirt. etw. von jmdm. verlangen no matter how/who/what/… Everybody wears the same, no matter where they come from. egal wie/wer/was … to show off (sth.) He always shows off his new clothes. angeben (mit etw.) 8 to go together zusammenpassen to get into trouble Ärger kriegen to treat sb. well/badly jmdn. gut/schlecht behandeln among … Texting is very popular among young people. unter … wireless draht-/kabellos community Gemeinschaft twice as many … There are twice as many girls as there are boys here. doppelt so viele … on average [ *xvErIdZ ] Teenagers spend five hours a day online on average. im Durchschnitt at least I waited at least an hour. mindestens source This is my favourite source of entertainment. Quelle to connect sb./sth. jmdn./etw. verbinden to inspire sb. She inspired lots of young people to become athletes. jmdn. inspirieren solution I can’t find a solution to this problem. Lösung to own sth. etw. besitzen increasingly The internet plays an increasingly important role in our lives. zunehmend significant [ sIg*nIfIkEnt ] wichtig, signifikant to run errands [ *erEnds ] I’ll be a little late, I have to run some errands first. Besorgungen machen figure [ *fIgE ] Zahl, Betrag, Wert 17 to criticise sb./sth. jmdn./etw. kritisieren 18 awesome [ *C"sEm ] (infml. AE) spitze, super, großartig 19 to cheer sb. up jmdn. aufheitern sense of achievement [ E*tSi"vmEnt ] Erfolgserlebnis self-confidence Selbstvertrauen exhibition [ +eksI*bISEn ] Ausstellung to keep sb. from doing sth. That bell keeps me from sleeping! jmdn. von etw. abhalten screen Bildschirm to sunbathe [ *s0nbeID ] sich sonnen, sonnenbaden to be addictive [ E*dIktIv ] Video games can be addictive. süchtig machen to take sb.’s mind off sth. Swimming really takes my mind off any problems I have. jmdn. von etw. ablenken/ auf andere Gedanken bringen Looking back to respond to sth. auf etw. reagieren/antworten ongoing andauernd, im Gange narrative tenses  Zeitformen der Vergangenheit common häufig, üblich, gebräuchlich Unit 03 2 to be sick and tired of sth. etw. satthaben caption [ *kxpSEn ] Bildtext, Bildunterschrift to make fun of sb./sth. sich über jmdn./etw. lustig machen I don’t get it. Ich versteh’s/kapier’s nicht. 3 to have a bigger say about sth. bei etw. ein größeres Mitspracherecht haben outdated überholt, veraltet to be open to sth. für etw. offen sein Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv