way2go! 5, Schulbuch

177 upper/lower/left/right corner There’s a tree in the upper left corner of the picture. obere/untere/linke/rechte Ecke to appear [ E*pIE ] He appears relaxed. wirken, scheinen, aussehen focused konzentriert distracted abgelenkt cheerful fröhlich pleased The teacher’s really pleased with your work. zufrieden, erfreut 13 to sponsor sb./sth. jmdn./etw. (finanziell) unterstützen to make use of sth. Our house has a big garden, but we never make use of it. von etw. Gebrauch machen panel discussion Podiumsdiskussion representative [ +reprI*zentEtIv ] Vertreter/in to suggest [ sE*dZest ] sth. She suggested going to the Italian restaurant for her birthday. etw. vorschlagen suggestion [ sE*dZestSEn ] Vorschlag benefit A good education can have a lot of benefits. Nutzen, Vorteil counter-argument Gegenargument athletics [ xT*letIks ] Leichtathletik issue [ *ISu: ] Thema, Problem, Streitfrage current issues Are you interested in current issues around the world? aktuelle Themen recommendation My video makes the recommendation to do sports. Empfehlung to be in favour [ *feIvE ] (of sth.) Everyone who’s in favour of supporting the Music Club, please raise your hand. dafür sein, für etw. sein expected erwartet 14 experience Erfahrung, Erlebnis statement Aussage recording Aufnahme to concentrate on sth. sich auf etw. konzentrieren regular We meet regularly for a tennis match. regelmäßig, oft least [ li"st ] Brown is the colour I like least. am wenigsten 15 importance Wichtigkeit percentage [ pE*sentIdZ ] What percentage of people plays video games? Prozentsatz video game console Videospielkonsole tournament [ *tC"nEmEnt ] Turnier adult [ *xd0lt ] Are adult learners different from young learners? erwachsen 16 entertainment Unterhaltung, Unterhaltungs-… device [ dI*vaIs ] Gerät in fact She passed the exam. In fact, she got an A on it. sogar, genau genommen, tatsächlich four out of five households vier von fünf Haushalten overall Overall, it’s been a good month. insgesamt, alles in allem to examine sth. etw. untersuchen to sleep in We usually sleep in on Sundays. (sich) ausschlafen (homework) assignment [ E*saInmEnt ] (Haus-)Aufgabe to listen in on sb. jmdn. belauschen 4 knowledge [ *nOlIdZ ] Wissen equipment Ausrüstung to complain about sth. Our neighbours have complained about the dog. sich über etw. beschweren headphones Kopfhörer 6 punting Stechkahnfahren to get stuck The pole got stuck in the mud. stecken bleiben mud Schlamm bottom of the river Grund des Flusses to let go of sb./sth. Don’t let go of my hand, OK? jmdn./etw. loslassen to hold on to sb./sth. sich an jmdm./etw. festhalten to point at sb./sth. I pointed at the door, but he wouldn’t leave. auf jmdn./etw. zeigen to rescue [ *reskju" ] sb. The fire fighters rescued a man from a burning building. jmdn. retten by the time … By the time I got back, everyone was asleep. als … to reach sb./sth. We reached the goal in the end. jmdn./etw. erreichen to slide down (slid – slid) In the winter we sometimes slid down this hill. herunterrutschen embarrassed Josie is embarrassed about pictures from her as a child. verlegen, peinlich berührt 8 to keep sth. in mind etw. bedenken to get/catch sb.’s attention jmds. Aufmerksamkeit erregen to give sth. a personal touch etw. eine persönliche Note verleihen 9 suffix [ *s0fIks ] Nachsilbe creativity [ +kri"eI*tIvIti ] Kreativität creative [ kri"*eItIv ] kreativ silent still, stumm illness Krankheit personality Persönlichkeit nationality Nationalität dirty schmutzig national dress Landestracht on special occasions [ E*keIZEnz ] zu besonderen Anlässen diet [ *daIEt ] I have a special diet, because I don’t eat meat. Ernährung 10 after-school club Freifach a wide range of … They’ve got a wide range of cakes at the new café. eine große Auswahl an … choir [ kwaIE ] Chor pottery Töpfern, Töpferei 11 foreground, background There’s a big house in the background. Vordergrund, Hintergrund on the left/right (side) auf der linken/rechten Seite Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv