way2go! 5, Schulbuch

174 WRITING COACH Sample blog comment Browsing the internet you have come across the blog post on the right. You have decided to comment on Farid’s blog post. In your blog comment you should:  give information about the amount of homework you get  explain how you cope with it  suggest what Farid should do about his problem Write around 200 words. Farid J. Too much homework! I really don’t know how to cope with all the homework we get every day. I hardly have time to do sports or get together with my friends in the afternoon. And that’s just as important for me as doing stuff for school … I just wonder what the situation is like in other schools. reply Chris McCloud <chris.mc@hotspot.com > I understand how you feel, Farid. Not being able to meet friends or practise sports because of too much homework is really frustrating. Well, let me tell you about our school. We get homework nearly every day. I don’t really have a problem with homework in subjects in which we have to take tests, like in English or maths. That’s OK, I think. But what really annoys me is when we get homework in art and music. And that happens quite a lot. You know what I do? I try to get most of my homework done right after school. After that I meet up with friends or simply watch my favourite series. Sometimes, however, I have to get stuff done after dinner, which is annoying. And I usually do whatever I have to for art and music at the weekend. That’s a real nightmare! Why don’t you get in touch with other students at your school? I’m pretty sure there are quite a lot of people who feel the same. Believe me, together you are strong! You could then talk to your teachers. Perhaps they’ll understand that socialising with friends and doing sports are just as important as doing homework. reply State your user name and email address. Refer to the blog post to let the writer know you have read it. Avoid copying from the blog post. Use informal language and short forms in a personal blog. Address the reader directly. Bullet point 3 Bullet point 2 Bullet point 1 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv