way2go! 5, Schulbuch

171 Sample formal email Your partner school in Cambridge is offering a free month at their school to one student in your class. Students who are interested are asked to write to the headmaster, Mr Stephen Harris. You have decided to write an email. In your email you should:  give some information about yourself  explain why you want to spend a month in Cambridge  give reasons why the headmaster should choose you Write around 200 words. From: Sophie Werner <s.werner@schillerschule.ac.at > To: Stephen Harris <stephen.harris@whcambridge.uk > Subject: Free place at Whitehall Dear Mr Harris, I am writing to you in response to the offer of a free month at your school. My name is Sophie Werner. I am 15 and I attend the Schillergymnasium in Bregenz. My grades are above average and I speak English well. I have two younger brothers and both my parents work as teachers at a secondary school. Spending a month in Cambridge would be wonderful as I have never visited England before. I would welcome the chance to go to an English school and attend different lessons, such as maths and geography – all taught in English. I could improve my language skills and learn about the British school system. Exploring Cambridge would be exciting, and I have always wanted to try punting on the River Cam. I think I am well suited for a place at your school as I am sociable and outgoing and find it easy to make new friends. I can offer coaching in German to other students. As I have two younger brothers, I also get on well with younger children. I am in the girls’ football team of our school and would be happy to join your school team to play in competitions. I am happy to answer any questions you may have and look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Sophie Werner Give your reason for writing. You want to stay in contact. Use more formal expressions like in response to , etc. Sign off with Yours sincerely or Best regards . Comma (,) after Yours sincerely , etc. Do not use short forms. ( My name’s My name is ) Bullet point 1 Bullet point 2 Bullet point 3  See also pp. 96/97. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv