way2go! 5, Schulbuch

17 Friends on social media Before you listen to the interviews in 14b, make sure that you know what the expressions in the box mean. Use an online dictionary if you need help. acquaintance  majority  to impress sb. Listen to four people talking about friends on social media sites. 1 Which social networking sites are they talking about? 2 Do they like social networking sites? 3 Do they think that their Facebook friends are real friends? Listen again and answer the questions. Use each name twice.  Susan   Arthur   Jennifer   Tabitha LISTENING 14 a b 02 c Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the questions and write down your ideas. SPEAKING 15 Which social media sites do you or your friends use? Are online friends ‘real’ friends? Why do many teenagers use social media sites? What are the risks of using social media sites? a wants to really know his/her friends? b used Facebook to catch up with friends from primary school? c deactivated Facebook because it kept him/her in touch with people he/she wasn’t interested in? d deleted his/her account because he/she felt he/she knew too much about strangers? e thinks meeting friends on social media sites is more impersonal than exchanging phone numbers? f finds it quite stressful to have a lot of online friends because you have to impress them? g thinks you can really be friends with someone you met online? h is friends with people from different schools and clubs? Who … Nur zu Prüfzwec en – Eigentum des Verlags öbv