way2go! 5, Schulbuch

163 Talking about things that happened in the past (the ‘narrative tenses’) Form I , you , we , they  + verb he/she/it      + verb + -s I         + am you , we , they   + are + verb + -ing he/she/it     + is Note: verbs ending in consonant + -y -ies ( try – tries ) -s , -x , -ch , -sh -es ( kiss – kisses [iz]) do and go -es ( does, goes ) I’m standing, he’s sitting, they are running, … Questions and negation  With do , does , don’t , doesn’t . Do you agree ? Emily doesn’t go to school by bus, she walks every day! Questions: swap subject and auxiliary ( be ). Are you using the internet just now? Negative sentences: insert not . I ’m not talking to you right now. Signal words always, often, every week, every morning, usually, normally now, just now, these days Note: You can only use the continuous form for actions ( He is walking ), not states ( l love NY/I agree with you ). Past simple Past continuous You can use it to …  talk about things that happened in the past, often at a definite time, and are now finished. Hannah moved to Cambridge last summer. I hated my uniform when I was at school.  tell a story. Once upon a time there was a king who had a lovely daughter.  talk about actions in the past that were continuing or incomplete when something happened. I was standing next to Melissa when she dropped her bottle and ruined my sneakers.  give background information when telling a story. I couldn’t hear what Sarah was saying because Robert was standing between us. Form I , you , he/she/it , we , they + verb + -ed Note: prefer – prefe rr ed, travel – trave ll ed Irregular verbs different past forms I , he/she/it    + was you , we , they  + were Questions and negation  With did , didn’t and verb . Did you have a nice punting trip? Adam didn’t know how to punt. Questions: swap subject and auxiliary. Was Adam finding it hard to punt? – You bet he was. Negative sentences: insert not . While he was punting, Adam wasn’t holding the pole properly, so he fell in. Signal words yesterday, last week, … ago, in + year while + verb + -ing Note: When you are telling a story, a short action (past simple) often interrupts a longer action (past continuous): While the others were relaxing , Adam pushed the pole too hard and it got stuck. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv