way2go! 5, Schulbuch

156 Unit 12 | The future of … Time travel ‘Time travelling’ means to travel to any point in the past or future. You could get into a kind of ‘time machine’ and go back in time to meet interesting people like the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, or you could do an interview with William Shakespeare. You could even programme your time machine to travel into the future and be part of the crew landing on Mars. Wouldn’t it be fascinating to experience a day in the past or future? Why don’t you choose a particular date and describe what it was like back then or what it will be like some day? Think about the aspects below before describing your experience. SPEAKING 13 a Tell a partner where you would like to go in the past or in the future. Explain why you would like to go there and give examples of what could happen to you there. b Your time machine has taken you into the year … . You are fascinated by what you see. You want to tell your friends from all over the world about your adventure and have decided to start a blog. In your blog post you should:  explain how you have landed in the year …  describe what you can see  recommend it to other bloggers Write around 200 words. Give your blog post a title.  See Writing coach, Blog post , pp. 172/173. WRITING 14 What was it like in the past? Transport, school, food, housing, leisure activities, clothes, … What will it be like in the future? Transport, school, food, housing, leisure activities, clothes, … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv