way2go! 5, Schulbuch

154 Unit 12 | The future of … Take only one minute to read the information on study abroad programmes below. Is the text positive or critical about these programmes? Highlight the parts of the text which support your answer. Now read the information again carefully. Make a list of all the things you can do and experience during a stay abroad. 1 Things you can do: learn or improve a foreign language, make new friends, … 2 Things you can experience: experience a new culture first-hand, … READING 9 a M p. 63 b Could you imagine going abroad on a student exchange yourself? What (other) benefits can you think of? What could be challenging? 10 5 reputable company: seriöse Firma Studying abroad TOPIC: Studying Education Prep Issue No. 024 Study abroad! Do you want to learn or improve a foreign language, make new friends and see more of the world? Then you should think about studying in another country for a semester or even a whole school year. There are a number of reputable companies 5 which will arrange a host family and a school place for you in Europe or much further from home. You can choose from a wide range of places, such as France, Italy and Spain, but also as far away as the USA, China and Australia. Studying in another country will allow you to experience a new culture first-hand. You will live with a host family who will take care of you and show you all the local sights. Reputable companies will check all host families to ensure that they provide a safe and caring environment. Students are carefully matched with a family, and strong connections are often made between the family and their guest; in fact, many students remain in touch with their host families for the rest of their lives. Would you like to see how teenagers live and study elsewhere in the world? Which things do you think are the same and which are different? Find out for yourself by experiencing a school system different to your own. You will spend a lot of time in the classroom, and this will help you develop self-confidence and independence as well as improve your language skills. Teachers and other students also benefit from the chance to meet someone from a different culture. As a student from another country you will bring new ideas and a fresh point of view. After you return from your study time abroad, you will see the world differently. You’ll have new knowledge, an understanding of a different culture and lifelong friends from your host country. So push yourself out of your comfort zone and apply to study abroad! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv