way2go! 5, Schulbuch

15 Friends abroad One way of making a lot of new friends is a school exchange. Imagine: Whitehall Secondary School, Cambridge, UK, is the partner school of your school. Your class is going to take part in an exchange project with Whitehall. Some of the British students have sent you some audio files to introduce themselves. Before you listen to them, read through the expressions in 11b and make sure that you understand them. Now listen to the three students introducing themselves. Tick the expressions you hear. LISTENING 11 a b 01 Listen a second time and write down as many things about each student as you can. Compare your notes in pairs. Dan Lizzie Mark c Name and appearance: a Dan’s short for Daniel b Elisabeth c Dan is my nickname d brown hair and blue eyes e short black hair f long and curly g she looks like a Manga figure Family: h a younger sister i an only child j one brother and one half-sister k I’ve got a cat l my mum and my stepdad m I live with my grandmother Hobbies: n Chinese martial arts o drawing and painting p I take classes in classical dance q I like listening to music r playing computer games day and night Future jobs: s professional sports t photographer for a magazine u graphic designer v teacher w nurse x shopkeeper y manager z farmer Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv