way2go! 5, Schulbuch

142 UniT 11 | Good job! FBI agents aren’t the only famous agents in popular culture. Think about the questions below, then discuss your ideas with a partner. 1 What is it like to work as a spy? 2 What qualities do you think spies need for their work? 3 Have you ever seen a Bond film? What is James Bond like? 4 What could be the differences between James Bond and real spies? Tell your partner about a Bond film or any other spy film you might have seen. Talk about:  the plot   your favourite character   the scene you liked best Prepare by making some notes, then talk for about three minutes. SPEAKING 4 5 Personal qualities Here are some of the qualities employers look for in their employees. Look up unknown expressions in a dictionary and then decide on five you think are important for any job. LANGUAGE 3 a M pp. 60/61 a self-confidence b creativity c maturity d loyalty e enthusiasm f intelligence g punctuality h patience i education j flexibility k ambition l reliability Make a table with the nouns above and their adjectives. Example: self-confidence – self-confident b Can you explain what the expressions above mean? Try to give examples from the interview or your own ideas. Example: to have great interpersonal skills: to be good at talking to other people or getting other people to like you b Now listen to an FM4 interview about the British Secret Intelligence Service 4 . The speaker will talk about the differences between case officers and their agents. It’s the job of case officers to recruit and manage suitable agents, who do the actual spying and pass on the information. Match the expressions below to these two kinds of people working for the Service. Write ‘O’ for officers and ‘A’ for agents. LISTENING 6 a 25 4 British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS): Britischer Geheimdienst 5 narcissistic: narzisstisch, selbstverliebt 6 to receive recognition: Anerkennung bekommen 7 sociopathic: soziopathisch, krankhaft sozial auffällig 1 O  have great interpersonal skills 2  have to persuade someone to do sth. 3 A  may betray their country 4  have to gain someone’s trust 5  may need support for the rest of their lives 6  may be narcissistic 5  7  may be self-centred  8  may be egotistical  9  might want money 10  may feel they haven’t received recognition 6 11  may be manipulative 12  may be sociopathic 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv