way2go! 5, Schulbuch

141 I spy … What do you think an FBI 1 agent should be like? Make a list of personal qualities, then read the article below. Tick the ones you guessed correctly and underline any others you can find in the text. Read the text about what it’s like to work for the FBI. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–J) for each gap (1–7). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. READING 2 a b What it’s really like to work for the FBI Gary Noesner had wanted to (0) since he was just 12 years old. That dream came true in 1972, when he was 22. For the next three decades, Noesner was heavily involved in numerous hostage 2 incidents, kidnapping cases and airplane hijackings 3 . We recently spoke to Noesner, 64, about what it was really like to work for the FBI. What it took to get hired I had to (1) . The FBI then did a back- ground investigation, and you had to pass a physical fitness test. There was a knowledge test and an interview. The hiring process was painfully slow because an investigation had to be conducted. They go around and (2) to try to get a clear picture of the person you are. Best part about working for the FBI The hostage negotiation program. I like the idea of (3) to deal with dangerous situations. It fit my personality, and I did well. We conducted operations – so if hostages were taken, we would go and be in charge of all the negotiations. I also got to travel around the world (4) . Worst part of working for the FBI I was gone a lot – I traveled 25% to 30% of the time – so my family kind of went on without me. I was a good father, I think. I tried to coach my kids’ sports team and all that, but I missed a lot of stuff. Bank robbers have this interesting thing where they tend to (5) . When I was an agent, I’d be looking ahead to a nice weekend, and then all of a sudden at 4 o’clock somebody robs a bank and that’s it – I can’t (6) with my family or go to that concert with my wife. That happened all the time. What FBI agents are like There’s a stereotype of FBI agents (7) and all about the facts. In reality, the most effective agents can be very outgoing, and have a good sense of humor. It’s about getting people to relax, witnesses to help you, criminals to confess, guys to work for us instead of us for them. Likability is an important trait at the FBI. Movies and TV often show FBI agents as inflexible and bureaucratic, and maybe there’s a grain of truth to that – but it’s not an accurate reflection of the performance and personalities of successful FBI agents. 1 FBI: ( abbr. for ) Federal Bureau of Investigation: US Bundespolizei 2 hostage: Geisel 3 hijacking: Entführung ( eines Transportmittels ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B A rob banks on a Friday afternoon F go home for dinner B work for the FBI G complete an application C teaching negotiations to other police forces H talk about what we were working on D interview your family and friends I using communication skills E working very hard J being humorless Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv