way2go! 5, Schulbuch

140 Unit 11 Good job! 8s399a In this unit you will:  discover your ideal job  study words to describe personal qualities  hear about real spies and FBI agents  learn how to apply for a job What’s the ideal job for you? Take our quiz to find out your perfect career. Circle your answers, then check with the key below. Discuss your result with a partner. READING + SPEAKING 1 Which qualities describe you best? A Outdoorsy, a nature lover B Passionate about tasty food C Energetic, always on the move D Quiet, a good listener 1 What would your friends say about you? A I never stop talking about my pets. B I usually have the best snacks. C I’m the fittest person they know. D I’m always a bit mysterious. 2 Which toys did you play with as a small kid? A Cuddly animals B A play kitchen C A climbing frame and swing D Halloween outfits 3 How do you like to spend your free time? A Taking a walk around the zoo B Sitting on the sofa with a box of chocolates C Climbing trees D Visiting old buildings 4 What would be your ideal holiday? A A safari B A tour of chocolate museums C An action holiday with biking, windsurfing, etc. D A stay in an old castle 5 What do you think of this quiz so far? A Sorry … I’ve been daydreaming about my dog. B It’s making me hungry. C I’d rather be running around outside. D It’s a bit spooky. 6 What do you like to watch on TV? A Nature programmes B Cookery shows C Action films D Scary films 7 Mostly Ds You have a darker side. You would make a great ghost hunter . Mostly Cs You’re a sporty risktaker. Get a job as a stuntman/ stuntwoman in an action film. Mostly As You clearly love animals and would make a perfect zookeeper ! Mostly Bs You have a taste for the finer things in life. Why not become a chocolate taster ? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv