way2go! 5, Schulbuch

13 Read this excerpt about two friends from the novel Raven Black by Ann Cleeves. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–L) for each gap (1–9). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. b Strategies box Reading – Multiple matching (MM) Read the whole text first to get an idea of what it is about. Don’t panic if you don’t understand every word. Look at the sentence before and after each gap – what could fit? Leave out gaps you are not sure about. The task gets easier as you use more and more parts. 1 lad: Bursche 2 there was a bit of buzz: es war ein bisschen was los 3 tide: Gezeitenströmung 4 sullen and resentful: missmutig und verärgert 5 ally: Verbündete/r 6 to torment sb.: jmdn. quälen A what fun that was G rising up on the horizon B being in prison H to stop himself falling over C which of them had told it I to talk to his family on the phone D the start of a new school year J were blown so fast E became his friend K a liking to him F until it was Monday morning L so far away from home At the time Jimmy thought Duncan had saved his life. That was what it felt like. He was fifteen. It was September, (0) , and it was like having to get used to Anderson High all over again. Classes, and living in the hostel, and only being able (1) . After a summer of being on the Isle, helping his dad with the sheep and the boat, it was like (2) . Worst of all was being back with the two Foula lads 1 who’d made his life a misery during the first year and who hadn’t forgotten (3) over the holidays. During the week it wasn’t so bad. There were other kids who boarded weekly, there was a bit of a buzz 2 about the place. More staff on duty. Weekends were a nightmare. Other kids looked forward to the weekends. Jimmy hated them. He imagined himself at the wheel of a small boat and a huge wave (4) and bearing down towards him. And when Friday night did arrive, he counted off the minutes (5) , working out the percentage of misery time passed and the nightmare still to come.  Then Duncan Hunter took (6) . How had that happened? Jimmy couldn’t remember. He had one image in his head. A breezy, sunny day. The water in the harbour whipped against the tide 3 into tight little waves. He and Duncan would have been nearly sixteen and there’d been a joke. Jimmy couldn’t remember (7) , but he remembered the pair of them laughing. Duncan had been laughing so hard he’d had to put his arm around Jimmy’s shoulder (8) . Jimmy had tipped back his head and it seemed the sky was wheeling around him, because the clouds (9) . And when he’d straightened up, spent and dizzy, there were the two Foula boys, sullen and resentful 4 , because he had a friend, an ally 5 , and they’d have to find someone else to torment 6 . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv