way2go! 5, Schulbuch

127 2 Girls who want to play soccer in Brazil A get a lot of support from the people. B have been able to do so since 1979. C are often homosexual. D have been very successful since 1979. 3 Many argue that girls shouldn’t do sports as A school is more important. B earning money is more important. C it’s unhealthy. D they are too weak. 4 Many of Santos’ relatives A work as cleaners for 18 hours a day. B are unemployed. C work in retail. D play sports together regularly. 5 The sports programme has helped the girls to A win an important competition. B learn about different sports. C get into good schools. D convince their families. !! LANGUAGE I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on a familiar topic. Read the text about Auckland. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–O) for each gap (1–12). Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 2 How to get around in Auckland Auckland is a big city, stretching around 100 km from north to south, but its public transport (0) isn’t the best. Buses aren’t very punctual, and the train lines are limited to a few destinations. However, the Auckland (1) guide offers some useful tips: Car – Motor transport is far and away the best way to get around Auckland, and if your (2) takes you to other parts of New Zealand, you should definitely get your hands on one. Car (3) prices are reasonable, but be aware that parking patrols are very strict in New Zealand’s (4) . Bus – The bus network in Auckland is quite huge, but the buses run infrequently. You can buy your ticket from the driver or (5) it online via the company’s website. The (6) are reasonable, so if you want to save money, the buses are a good option. Train – Over the last few years, (7) the train has become a good option for many. The trains aren’t as frequent as they could be, but if you’re staying near a station, it could be useful. Ferry – Auckland’s (8) makes water an essential factor. If you’re near the (9) , there’s a water route into the city: a 15-minute ferry ride. Ferry’s your only (affordable) option for getting to the islands of Rangitoto and Waiheke. Rangitoto is a volcanic island that’s worth (10) for a hike and a picnic. Walk or cycle – Auckland’s city centre is compact, so you can see a lot of it on foot. If you get tired, a (11) bus runs a circle route through the centre of town. (12) can use bus lanes, and there are dedicated cycle lanes around the waterfront. A biker D cyclists G harbour J station M travel B book E fares H hire K system N vacation C capital F free I location L taking O visiting 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 K Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv